Improving Health & Medicine

Harnessing Our Immune System to Defeat Alzheimer’s: From Lab to Clinic

The American Committee’s Women for Science (W4S) initiative hosted an engaging webinar, featuring two leading neuroscientists: Weizmann Institute President Prof. Alon Chen and Prof. Michal Schwartz of the Department of Neurobiology. Following introductory remarks by W4S Co-Chair Ellen Merlo, Prof. Chen provided an overview Weizmann’s flagship Institute for Brian and Neural Sciences. Featured speaker Prof. Michal Schwartz then presented her trailblazing research, based on her groundbreaking discoveries about the connection between the immune system and the brain. Her innovative work is paving the way to a revolutionary platform for the treatment of Alzheimer’s and age-related dementia. To conclude the program, Prof. Schwartz participated in a dynamic Q&A, moderated by Ellen Merlo.