From left: Lee Brown of Oak Park, ACWIS national vice president/executive director, Prof. Emeritus Jonathan Gressel of Rehovot, Israel, speaker, and Sylvia Margolies of Winnetka, ACWIS associate director (Lee A. Litas / Pioneer Press)
More than 30 supporters of the American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science gathered at the home of Yadelle Sklare in Kenilworth on June 24 to hear professor emeritus Jonathan Gressel of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, speak on issues of climate change.
Awarded Israel's highest civilian award for his agricultural research, Gressel shared his views and knowledge on the pros and cons of genetic engineering of crops in response to a dwindling world food supply and rapid population growth.
The Midwest Region of ACWIS provides avenues for Weizmann scientists to share their research and knowledge with general audiences at events such as this "Eat, Drink & Think." See more at acwis.org