For the sixth consecutive year, the Weizmann Institute of Science has ranked among the top 10 research institutions in the world for scientific impact!
The Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) of Leiden University, the Netherlands (“Leiden Ranking”), has once again included Weizmann in their weighted (proportional) ranking, which is published annually. The Leiden Ranking evaluates the scientific performance of more than 1,400 research institutions worldwide. Scientific impact scores are based on the number and the proportion of publications that, when compared with other publications in the same field and the same year, belong in the top 10% most frequently cited. Purely quantitative, the Leiden Ranking does not use subjective surveys.
Weizmann is consistently a top performer in the Leiden Ranking. Of the papers authored by Weizmann Institute scientists, 18.5% ranked in the top 10% for scientific impact. More than 20% of the papers authored by Weizmann Institute scientists in the Biomedical and Health Sciences and the Life and Earth Sciences were ranked in the top 10% for scientific impact. Further, 2.4% of the scientific papers by Weizmann scientists were in the top percentile of papers for scientific impact, and more than 62% of them were in the top half of papers with the greatest impact.
The Leiden Ranking is the latest testament to Weizmann’s place among the global scientific elite, with peer top 10 institutions including Harvard, Stanford, Princeton, Berkeley, Rockefeller, MIT, and Caltech.